Personal Information

Remus Macheath Brice Jr
Born 4/11/1980
Gender ♂️ Male
Died 1/25/2013

Parents ( 1 )

Remus Brice


Birth Entering into life.


Death Mortal life terminates.


Additional Information

Additional Info
Remus Macheath Brice Jr. (affectionately known as Junior) was born on
April 11, 1980 in the town of Plattsburgh, New York to Remus Brice Sr. and
Elizabeth Brice. He was the third child, having been preceded by two older sisters
At the time of his birth, his father Remus Sr. was a member of of the United States
Air Force. The first 3 years of his life were spent living on the the base, having fun
attending air air shows with his family . Having been the first born son, he was a joy
to his parents and an absolute delight to his sisters. At the age of 3, Remus Sr.
and Elizabeth relocated from Plattsburgh, New York to Norwalk, Connecticut.
There, Remus attended preschool through the Head Start Program
Remus Jr. was deeply invested an committed to academic excellence, the pursuit
of justice and economic advancement with, specific regard to third world
countries , He tried to bring awareness ii
bath political and otherwise
through his philanthropic efforts
which affected human, beings on a global
and through is poetry. He was an AMAZING poet.
Despite all his academic success, his proudest accomplishment was the birth of
his daughter Liiana Carmen Brice in 2006. He loved, adored and cherished her
with all that he had . He was deeply committed to his role as a father and Lily truly
was the apple of his eye. There is no doubt that while his passing leaves an
enormous void in her life, that he made an everlasting imprint in her soul in his
short time on earth.
By age 5, 5, Remus Jr. and his siblings (now a group of 4) relocated to the island
of St. Lucia where they resided with their maternal grandparents and aunt. Junior
loved going to the country with his his grandfather, enjoying the wide sampling of
fruits, which could be found on the island . Most of all he loved playing with his
friends. In tact, many of the friendships he made during that time remained intact
up until the date of his passing . He excelled academically earning marks to attend
the islands most prestigious al-boys high school, St. Mary's College. He would
attend St. Mary's tor one year and then relocate to the United States.
Remus Macheath Brice Jr. was many things : a student, a poet, philosopher an
innovator., a great thinker and yes, a goofball. However. I know that the roles he
valued most were that of father, son, brother and friend. Junior loved his family
and friends . He touched the lives of so many and had a generosity of spirit that
was unmatched. He has truly made this a better world just by having been in it
We his family, will truly. miss his smile, his laugh, his mischievous nature,
his voice and often times, powerful silence. We will miss what could have
been but sadly wasn't to be. We thank him for his gift of Lily ta us and will treasure
her presence in our lives. She is his ultimate legacy.
Once back in the U.S ., he again resided in Norwalk, CT where he attended
Brien McMahon High School, graduating in 1998, Following graduation, Remus Jr
worked as a pharmacy technician with both CVS Pharmacy and Norwalk Hospital,
initially considering a career as a pharmacist, He would later decide to pursue
his true passion - law. He was accepted into the University of Cincinnati where
he began his undergraduate studies. He completed his undergraduate studies
at Xavier University. earning a degree in Liberal Arts and was soon accepted
into Ohio Northern University to study law at the Pett College of Law. He was
particularly interested in pursuing international law and in an attempt to gain
experience completed internships with organizations such as C.A.R.E. and in the
summer of 2012. an externship in Tanzania, Atica, He was a member of the
American Bar Association and held an office in Black Law Students Association
chapter of Onio Northern University He was a stellar student and was due to
graduate in May 2013
His passing is mourned by his parents, daughter, siblings, maternal and paternal
aunts and uncles, nieces, cousins and an incredible number of friends and
colleagues the world aver His spirit and presence will be deeply and greatly
missed for many, many years to come.
Junior, fly high, fly high , tly high.. we meet again when Christ returns to take
His people to that palace on on high, may your beautiful soul rest in His perfect
peace. We love you now.. always
Your Loving Family
Mommy, Daddy. Edward, Emmerly, Jewelle, Lizbeth, Alvin and Glen