If your looking for a refreshing drink with a burst of flavor, try a cucumber.
The flavor, the softness of great tasting White Cake. Here is the recipe.
2023 was quite the year for celebrations and transitions catch one families journey.
In the planning of our great 90th year celebration. You cannot let it pass without a Friday night.
Still humming, I was mugged in front of what probably still is the parking lot on Seymour Ave (between Boston n Givan).
A representative from each family unit was responsible for getting the word out about the upcoming family reunion. Auntie Vera and Uncle Ishmael were the organizers. Cousin Lenora, was the secretary. Personal data including hobbies of each family member were collected. Communication was via phone, fax machine and air mail. All roads led to Statia! […]
we are blessed to have our family members resting in their tombs, but the walls the grounds needed some paint.
The setting of the night was very festive where attendees could take pictures by the holiday manger next to big letters proclaiming, “Joy To The World.” And joy it was as we fellowshipped the night in island clusters spread throughout the field. We shared holiday stories of times on Anguilla, St. Kitts and various other […]