Personal Information

Delris Imelda Cannegieter
Born 10/12/1957 St. Maarten
Gender ♀️ Female
Died 10/13/2020 St. Maarten

Parents ( 1 )

Charles Reginald Cannegieter
Mother Maria Arabella Berkel
Siblings ♀️ Ruthann Jacquelin Athanase
♀️ Esther A Jeffers-Cannegieter
♀️ Lenora Vanisha Cannegieter
♀️ Ruby Veronica Cannegieter

Spouses ( 1 )

Garnette Leerdam
Children ♀️ Caramelda Sarita Cannegieter


Birth Entering into life.

📍 St. Maarten

Death Mortal life terminates.

📍 St. Maarten

Additional Information

Additional Info

We are gathered today to celebrate and give thanks for the life of Delris Imelda Cannegieter.  She was fondly called by family and friends Del.

Delris was born Saturday, October 12, 1957, on the island of Curacao to the late Charles Reginald Cannegieter and Maria Arabella Cannegieter-Guy-Berkel. She was the third of a family of five girls. The early part of her life she grew up on the islands of Curacao,
St. Eustatius and St. Maarten where she received her formative and higher education.

Delris resided most of her teenage and early adult years on the island of St. Eustatius.  She lived with her loving grand parents Josiah and Esther Berkel (better known as Pa and Ma).  Also in the household included Uncle Ishmael and the late Uncle Clifton.  Her uncles played the role of father figures.  Due to her mother’s mental condition, Uncle Ishmael struggled and supported the immediate family for many years.  Uncle Ishmael created an environment of stability for Delris; for this, the sisters are extremely grateful.  Delris always exhibited deep love for her grandparents.  She dedicated lots of time assisting her uncles and aunt with the daily chores and care of Pa and Ma.  She formed a very strong bond with Uncle Clifton and his wife, Aunt Olive.  By the way, Aunt Olive is related from father’s side.  Uncle Clifton’s nickname for Delris became DelDel.  One of Delris’ highlighted moments was when her cousin Olton was born.  Over the years, Olton meant more than a cousin.  She then adopted Olton as a brother.

Delris was friendly.  She was very industrious and progressive in whatever her hands found to do.  She knew what she wanted to achieve in life. Her profession on Statia was that of a sales girl.  After acquiring her certification as a daycare teacher, she worked at Ann and Andy’s Daycare Center on St. Maarten.  She was very active in the Pathfinder Club of St. Eustatius and in the Missionary Volunteer Society (now known as Adventist Youth Society).  In those organizations she displayed her talents of crochet and cooking skills.  Delris is remembered by her Pathfinders as a motherly, dedicated unit leader. Growing up, she never liked to consume meals with meat nor fish.  Therefore, it was her delight to learn how to make meatless dishes.  One of her favorite dishes was papaya balls. Delris attended many youth camps held on neighboring islands where she made long lasting friends.  She also enjoyed adventure in travelling.  Her sister Lenora remembers the vacation she spent in New York.  She later travelled to Holland on a vacation.  She truly loved the Jesus who she came in touch with from the cradle to adulthood.

As a young adult, Delris formed a deep friendship with a young man--her first love.   She conceived her beautiful daughter, Caramelda Sarita Cannegieter. The birth of her daughter brought deep inner joy and peace.  Delris was a meticulous and caring mother to her daughter.  Caramelda expresses the proud moments she can remember are numerous.  Her mother was proud of all Caramelda’s achievements.  Delris was most proud of the birth of her three grandchildren.  She traveled to Holland for the birth of her first grandchild, Sergina.  Then came her grandson, Serginio.  The final grandchild was a bouncing baby girl, Saphfya.  Delris was most proud of Caramelda’s educational accomplishments.  The night Caramelda graduated as a Registered Nurse, Delris was elated.  Caramelda recalls the happy moments never lasted for long because the monster of mental health called “Anxiety” took over and all the bright lights went dim.  “Oh, how my heart is saddend, but through it all she taught me what it means to struggle and survive,” recalls Caramelda.  Like the song writer says:

Life is easy, when you're up on the mountain
And you've got peace of mind, like you've never known
But when things change and you're down in the valley
Don't lose faith, for you're never alone.

And the God on the mountain is still God in the valley
When things go wrong, He'll make them right
And the God of the good times is still God in the bad times
The God of the day is still God in the night.

We talk of faith when we're up on the mountain
But talk comes so easy when life's at its best
But in the valley of trials and temptations
That's when faith is really put to the test.

As the years progressed, Delris’ mental state of mind declined and caused the sisters to miss out on many of each other’s good times and bad times.  The relationship among the siblings was like a roller coaster.  In the midst of the roller coaster moment the sisters would like to salute their mentor and mother figure, Elaine Vlaun, who served as a stabilizer over the years.  Though retired she still was there for this family.  Thank you, Ms. Vlaun!

Many persons came in between Delris’ and her sisters’ relationship with their own interpretations hence causing a strain.  Their parents, however, produced five girls who love each other through thick and thin.  Persons who do not know of their background spoke ill and might still be having conversations about the amazing five. Why is the word, “amazing”, chosen to describe them as a family, because:

  • Together they have an amazing-tightly knitted family comprised of the Berkels, Cannegieters, Wilsons and Davises families. They share strong bonds with their relatives and cousins across the world.
  • Together they have amazing talents and professions; however, their highlighted talent is singing. The Cannegieter Sisters are singers.  They always felt blessed when Delris joined them with her beautiful alto voice.
  • Together they are amazingly loved by many persons in our Statia and
    Maarten communities. This keeps them going.  This also gives motivation to wake up to face another day, after many challenges experienced over the many years.
  • Together they have amazing young adults—Caramelda, Eslen, Lenox Jr., and Abigail--who form part of their nuclear family.
  • Together the sisters of Delris are happy to know that for the last six weeks of her life they communicated cordially. For this, they give God the honor and the praise.

Let us pause at this time to recognize a very special and dear friend to Delris.  For more than a decade she formed a friendship with Vincent Richardson better known as the Coconut Man.  In many ways where the sisters could not reach Delris, Vincent was able to do so.  He ensured she was making it through some good days and at time turbulent days. Vincent, you were the stabilizer for the sisters.  They saw the genuine care you had for their sister.  The entire family both on St. Maarten and Statia would like to thank you for the role you performed over the years.  May God supply all your needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus.

As this chapter is closed in the lives of the remaining siblings, they endeavor to remain tightly knitted.  While Delris laid in intensive care at the hospital, prayers were offered to God on her behalf as she was placed in His loving care.  The lyrics of her favorite hymn remain etched in her mind says:

My faith has found a resting place,Not in a man made creed;
I trust the Ever-living One, That he for me will plead.

I need no other evidence, I need no other plea;
It is enough that Jesus died, And rose again for me.


Enough for me that Jesus saves, This ends my fear and doubt;
A sinful soul I come to Him, He will not cast me out.

My soul is resting on the word, The Living Word of God,

Salvation in my Savior’s name Salvation through His blood.

The great Physician heals the sick, The lost He came to save

For me His precious blood He shed, For me His life He gave.