Personal Information

Shirlita Hughes
Born 10/30/1990
Gender ♀️ Female
Died 10/30/1990

Parents ( 1 )

Dawson Hughes
Mother Shirlene Berkel
Siblings ♀️ Shernique J Hughes


Birth Entering into life.


Death Mortal life terminates.


Additional Information

Additional Info


The day I turned 6 months pregnant Shirlita decided to make her debut into this world. Her being breech birth caused me a lot of laughter during delivery. For Dawson and I her birth was bittersweet. We were glad to meet our daughter but, we also knew her fate due to her stage of development and the given facility capability at that time. After 2 1/2 hrs, Shirlita drew her last breath. It pains me that I was not able to be with her until her very end due to being rush out for almost dying myself. I long for resurrection day when I can hold you once again in my arms in a land where death will never separate us. Sleep on Shirlita. Mommy loves you.